ENBE Infographic Boards

My first major assignment: to create infographic boards for our Janda Baik trip. You know it's a major assignment when you spent a lot of money on it, and it's a group work! What is an infographic? Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of informationdata or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. 

So it requires lots & lots of drawing...

The infographic boards also require the displays, your main point to pop out, like that pimple on your face. Tons of polystyrene were harmed in the making of this assignment (just kidding, polystyrene doesn't have feelings). This assignment took us days to finish it.

...and lots & lots of cutting.

One of our groupmates, Saba Sanei, volunteered herself for me to draw her face to put on the board (she's Iranian if you're interested, men) and that was the hardest part for me since I never drawn a giant face. It took me several hours to finish it.

An incomplete Saba.

I had to draw lots & lots of animals that we saw at our site on Janda Baik for this assignment. We also had to do research on rocks, plants and you guessed it, more animals!

Dragonflies' names sounds like DOTA characters.

We also brought back rocks from the site, although it's not recommended to do so because of some spiritual beliefs and all rocks looks the same wherever you are in this world, so why carry them home?

He smells what you're cooking.

As typical students, we finished our infographic boards on the day of the presentation, because that's how we roll. All and all, it was fun because we enjoyed making this assignment together, as teammates.

Wow, that was cliché.

It also spawned one selfie.


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