Introduction to Drawing II

Second assignment for ITD! We were asked to draw two random objects (not bigger than an A4 paper), complete with detailed drawings and all that, sounds fun.

Pre-boycott era.

My first item was my trusty shaver, what is a shaver? It's a thing to shave your facial hair (I am a man)
It wasn't hard, it's almost the same size as my pencil, nothing special here. Moving on!

I bet you thought that was a real shaver, am I right?!

My second item: my headphones. It look easy to draw but trust me, it's not. I spent most of my time try to draw the headphones (including several tries), but in the end, it looks nice! I'm happy! Yay!

By the time you saw the headphones, you're already dead.

ITD's getting harder & harder, I am genuinely scared, wow. Okay, moving on!


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